Diagnostic Investor profile
Provide information on your goal
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Renseigner le patrimoine
Answer this questionnaire

You are offered the possibility of reallocating your assets to invest in risky solutions that have an equal chance of bringing you ¤2,000 or ¤6,000 annually, depending on market conditions.

You are offered the possibility of reallocating your risk-free assets to invest in riskier solutions that have an equal chance of bringing you ¤1,500 or ¤6,000 annually, depending on market conditions.

You are offered the possibility of investing your capital in solutions that have an equal chance of bringing you ¤2,400 or ¤6,000 annually, depending on market conditions.

You are offered cancellation insurance that increases the price by 2 % to 3 % and allows you to be reimbursed for the amounts paid in case something comes up.
Will you take the insurance ?

Risk profile
Connaissance et expérience
Profil de gestion




Asset allocation for a {0}-year investment horizon

How do I invest ?
Based on this profile, you can invest in a diversified fund that matches your risk profile and is managed by an expert, or you can put together your portfolio yourself by allocating your assets to different funds (equity, fixed income, money market) offered by your company.

Don't forget to review your investor profile to ensure that it still meets your objectives.