Participation and Incentives Simulator
Your employee savings
Learn more
The retirement scheme is either a PERCO or a PERE-CO.
The PERE-CO is a "collective PER" (new retirement savings plan created by the Pacte law) proposed through your company.

Contribution rate
Le montant de l'abondement défini au-delà de € n'est possible que si vous investissez dans des actions ou des certificats d'investissement émis par votre entreprise. Dans ce cas le plafond d'abondement s'élève à €.

Contribution rate

Detailed results if the contribution is invested in an employee savings plan
Detailed results if the participation is invested in an employee savings plan
PEE (¤) PERCO/PERE-CO (¤) Total (¤)
Gross contribution
Net contribution
Total invested
Detailed results if the contribution is collected immediately
Detailed results if the participation is collected immediately
Income tax
Total to collect immediately
Impact on your taxes
If you choose to collect some or all of your contribution/participation, the amount of your taxes as well as your social benefits may be affected. If you immediately collect your benefit, it becomes taxable and is added to your other income.

You might:
  • bear a higher tax burden (move to a higher income tax bracket);
  • lose the benefit of certain tax exemptions or family benefits, as you have exceeded a certain income limit.
Enter the information for your simulation
PEE [Company Savings Plan]

PERCO/PERE-CO [Collective Pension Savings Plan]

Key figures
Savings acquired at maturity
Payments cumulated at maturity
Capital gains at maturity
Savings at maturity: 
Family situation:

PEE Bracket number:

PERCO/PERE-CO Bracket number: